GS YUASA Traction Product Launch
‘Battery Technologies becomes GS Yuasa’s first UK disrtributor’
We were pleased to receive the very first of GS Yuasas new traction range. Battery Technologies can now provide their product for various applications ranging from forklift trucks to material handling equipment, including floor cleaning machinery.

This is a product that we trust and have already been quick to intergrate into equipment of key customers.
Having formed a great relationship with GS Yuasa, we hope that it continues to flourish as we distribute their traction range.

Mike broom, dicrector of battery technologies said
“ GS Yuasa, with 100 year history and a global manufactoring presence came to Battery Technologies UK and asked us to partner for the UK launch. This partnership fits well with our company vision.”

Chris Exley, Sales Director at Altegra Integated solutions, has the confidence to put Yuasa product in various TCM electric counter balance forklift trucks.
With several orders already placed it has been great to see Yuasa’s products being used in day to day equipment.

For further information regarding Yuasa’s product please visit the site linked.